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Mascot Blogs

  • THE MIGHTY RED - The Costume Shop
    April 20, 2022


    THE MIGHTY RED A quality team mascot will help excite and cheer your fans during a game. With a balanced personality, the team's mascot can captivate and entertain the audience. This will in turn give the player a boost. Liverpool’s...

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  • Famous and Forgotten Baseball Mascots - The Costume Shop
    April 18, 2022

    Famous and Forgotten Baseball Mascots

    Famous and Forgotten Baseball Mascots There may be nothing quite as fun as sitting in your favorite stadium and laughing at the antics of Major League Baseball's mascots, especially when these giant-sized personalities try their tricks on an unexpected player....

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  • The six best and six worst NFL mascots - The Costume Shop
    April 17, 2022

    The six best and six worst NFL mascots

    The six best and six worst NFL mascots There is less and less time left in the countdown for the euphoria of the NFL and less than a month away we bring you some elements that are little taken into...

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  • The Best Kid-Friendly Elementary School Mascots - The Costume Shop
    March 26, 2022

    The Best Kid-Friendly Elementary School Mascots

    The Best Kid-Friendly Elementary School Mascots As you might have seen, almost all schools, be it Elementary, Middle, or High schools, have their unique mascots. These mascots serve as important signs and an ambassador for the school. A mascot is...

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  • 20 Former Olympics Mascots - The Costume Shop
    March 19, 2022

    20 Former Olympics Mascots

    Top 20 Former Olympics Mascots  Mascots are an embodiment of the spirit of the Olympics and their main role is welcoming athletes, fans and visitors to the Olympics games. Mascots spread the Olympics joy that is highlighted at each edition...

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